I just don't quite understand the fascination with the letter Y. Is it a vowel, is it a consonant? Why can't it just make up it's mind? Jerk...
But anyway, in the world of baby naming, the letter Y is one of the hottest trends. I don't want you all to think that I hate the letter Y, cuz that's not true. In the right spot, it works. My own daughter's name for example, Jocelyn. The Y works perfectly, nestled between the L and the N, all cozy like. Lovely.
No, I don't have a problem with the letter Y being where it's supposed to be- I have a problem when people just start sticking it into names where it has no business being! Replacing perfectly good vowel like I and A and E, vowels that have earned their right to be in that name. But why put a Y in place of another vowel?
Are you ready?
Now it looks cooler.
Or maybe...
Now it's unique (we'll save "unique" names for another post!)
Or my personal fave...
Now I can use this boy name as a girl name cuz it looks more feminine.
Let's talk about that last one. This is happening all the time and someone needs to make it STAHP. Taking the name Camden (a nice little boy name) and spelling it Camdyn does not make it a girl's name. It makes it a boy's name spelled wrong. When a teacher looks are their roll call sheet and sees little Carsyn, their gonna still assume it's a boy. Same with Declyn, Damyn, and the oh so fabulous double Y in Gryffyn. I"m not making this stuff up, I've seen it. Truly all you're doing is making so everyone ever will spell your kid's name wrong every single time.
So please, think of the children before you haphazardly throw a few Y's into their name!